Breathing Concerns: (How Environmental Factors Damage the Lungs)

Breathing Concerns, In our life, the respiratory system serves as strings of guitar which maintain the rhythms of breath to ensure our existence. The air we inhale is not pure, it is full of toxins and air pollutants that affects our lungs. In this exploration, we will analyze these pollutants and their source of origination. Also, we will discuss how these can damage our functional lungs. From backward areas to indoor air we inhale, estimating the environmental exposure to our lungs is essential to know the causes borne due to air pollutants. Join us to discover the connection between environment and lungs!

Breathing Concerns

A brief description: What is Lung Cancer

A type of cancer that infects our cells in the lungs. Lungs are the sensitive spongy organs of our respiratory system. Their function is to inhale the air from the environment to get oxygen and exhale out carbon dioxide. Today lung cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide.

Types of Lung Cancer

1. Non-small cell lung cancer

The most common type of lung cancer that cause Breathing Concerns and spread world wide and 85 percent people suffer from this cancer. It consists of various types such as Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

2. Small cell lung cancer

It has a little existence among people but spread and grow rapidly. It mostly occurs due to smoking. Environmental factors has less effect on this type of cancer.

Relationship between Environmental Exposure and Lung Cancer

The relationship between environmental exposure and lung cancer is sensitive and complex but many environmental factors play pivotal role in this disease. Environmental exposures may belong to indoor, outdoor air pollutants, hazardous factors or other sources. Here we discuss a brief overview of environmental factors posing this life-threatening disease:

1. Radon exposure

Radon is a naturally occurring gas present in out atmosphere. The radon gas percentage is fixed in environment but due to pollution the percentage increases. This will allow radon to enter indoor from the ground. The increased level of radon exposure will lead to lung cancer and cause breathing concerns.

2. Metal exposure

Asbestos and arsenic are two heavy metals that poses the lung cancer. These metals are known as occupational metals as they mostly present in industries and construction sites. Both are the carcinogens and leading source of lung cancer because workers inhale in this environment have higher risks of lungs diseases.

3. Air pollution cause Breathing Concerns

Exposure to air pollution for a long duration causes lung cancer as this air contains high level of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and other toxins. The worst quality of air in indoors due to solid fuel, inadequate ventilation and house products, also poses lungs damage and cause breathing concerns.

4. Arsenic exposure

Arsenic is a heavy metal as release from industries directly into the water bodies. The water from these sources may drink and this toxin enters in our body and damage spongy organs.

5. Diesel Exhaust

The diesel from the industries as use in heavy machineries and from vehicles enter in environment and during respiration plug in our body. It will elevate the rate of lung cancer and breathing concerns.

6. Aromatic Hydrocarbons

These are the dangerous chemicals that produced due to incomplete oxidation of coal. Oil, wood and other organic products. These dangerous chemicals become the part of environment and cause lungs diseases and breathing concerns.

7. Environmental tobacco smoke

It is generally known as secondhand smoke or passive smoking. It occurs at any place now a days. It plays a key role in polluting the environment.

Attenuating Measures: How to minimize risk of environmental exposure

In order to attenuate risks of environmental exposure, there is a need of preventive and adaptive measure. These measures will help to reduce the interaction of environmental exposures with lungs. Here are some strategical plans:

1. Reduce Radon Exposure

Keep checking the radon level at your homes. If you find increase level of radon, set up radon mitigation system in your homes. This will assist in reducing environmental exposure to lung cancer. It will reduce the breathing concerns.

2. Occupational Safety

Utilize suitable protective equipment while working in industries or construction sites. These measures may include wearing of masks and respiratory machines. The less exposure to arsenic, asbestos and other toxic metals protect you from aggressive lung cancer and breathing concerns.

3. Improvement in air quality

Make your quality of air improved by using purifiers or appropriate ventilators. These can reduce the exposure of releasing pollutants and also breathing concerns.. Reduce your outdoor time when the environmental exposure is at alarming stage.

4. Minimize Diesel exhaust exposure

It can only minimize by using alternatives for diesel and use best ventilation system in industries. These measures will cause reduction in diesel exposure for those especially who are working at these sites.

5. Limit heavy metal exposure

Minimize the use of heavy metals but on the other hand they are naturally producing as by-product. Therefore, the preventive measure to be taken is the safe disposal of heavy metals. Follow the instructions to avoid these metals otherwise they will cause lung cancer or breathing concerns in workers or other people.


In conclusion, the lung cancer and environmental factors have a strong relationship. It becomes an interesting subject for the medical health sciences and researchers. The outdoor and indoor pollutant both are effective for lung cancer and other diseases. Therefore, regulatory measures and safety practices should employ to mitigate the environmental factors causing lung cancer.

Breathing Concerns


1. How environmental factors cause lung cancer?

As environment contain toxic chemicals from natural resources, power plants and industries. These enter in human lungs during respiration and cause lung cancer.

2. How outdoor pollution promote lung cancer?

Outdoor pollution forces the inhaled toxins to grow and spread rapidly inside lungs and cause lung cancer.

3. What are the effective pollutant causing lung cancer?

Heavy metals and gasses such as arsenic, radon, asbestos, silica or aromatic hydrocarbons promote lung cancer.

4. Can viruses or bacteria play role in lung cancer?

To some extent, microorganisms are also part of environment hence may affect the lungs.

5. To which extent, people are suffering with lung cancer due to environmental factors?

90 percent of the people worldwide are facing lung cancer due to environmental factors.

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