Living with Schizophrenia


Living with Schizophrenias a complicated and highly appeared mental illness and poses confusion to medical professionals, researchers and other people who are the part of science community. This disease shows variety of symptoms that affects the whole life. The introduction will describe the complex world of schizophrenia and guidance for seeking medical aid. The explanation will also help you to understand mental health condition and its diverse impacts on human life and society.

Living with Schizophrenia

Complications of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a challenging disorder that hazardously affect the man and society. Its complexities are due to the effective nature. Here are some complications related to this disease:

1. Assortment of appearance

The appearance of this order varies in every person. The assortment depends on the severity of the schizophrenia and symptoms associated with this disease.

2. Onset and Variability

The onset of the disease depends on the age factor. Some patients show symptoms in childhood and others after adolescence. There is also variability in occurrence, often appears periodically while in some patients in seldomly occurs. The choric condition may occur if proper management will not provide.

3. Biological and congenital factors

Biological factors include congenital issues that is any problem in genes and the disease happens in hereditary. It also occurs due to hormonal imbalance, neurotransmitter imbalance and brain structure disorders. To know the cause of schizophrenia is complex and still research goes on.

4. Neuroanatomical component

According to the scientific research, nervous system plays a vital role in the development of this disease. If a pregnant woman exposes to some rays or certain stressors, the baby may suffer with schizophrenia.

5. Effect on Daily routine

It certainly effects the daily life of suffering patient causing difficulties in daily challenges, serve employment or relationships. The type of the symptoms diversely affects the daily activities.

6. Social Challenges

Behavior of society increases the challenges of sufferer. The complications will increase when he faces discrimination and isolation from the social circle.

 7. Complemental Components

The appearance of other disorders along with schizophrenia are depression, anxiety and alcohol use disorders increase the severity of disease. This will pose the additional treatment of disorder for rapid recovery.

8. Miscellaneous Symptoms

Living with Schizophrenia this usually happens with broad range of symptoms and categorized as positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. The diversity of symptoms is according to the duration and stage of disease along with age. The discussion is here on the onset of symptoms:

Living with Schizophrenia


The hallucinations may happen in living with Schizophrenia patients, in this condition, additional perceptions such as hearing of voices, appearance of things, feeling sensation will occur that are present in normal individuals.


Delusions is a state of wrong believes that are originally do not happen. Many kinds of delusions occur in this condition such as paranoid and grandiose delusions.

Thinking disorders

The other symptom includes appearance of irrelevant thinking and includes difficulty in organize speech and discussions.

Movement Disorders

The movement disorders are catatonia and catatonic stupor happens in this disease. The condition appears with excessive or reduced movements and lead to Living with Schizophrenia.

Negative Symptoms

The negative symptoms include behavior of patient and society. The patient living with Schizophrenia become introvert, does not interact in society, face lack of interest in relationships and life activities and unable to enjoy moments. Due to negative symptoms, the patient may suffer in other mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress.

Cognitive Symptoms

Living with Schizophrenia, the patient become unable to memorize things and recall moments. He is unbale to concentrate on things and solve issues.

Factors Causing Living with Schizophrenia

Combination of factors involve to develop the mental health disorder schizophrenia. This includes genetic, environmental, biological and psychological factors. We will discuss some of them here:

1. Abnormalities in brain

Anatomical abnormalities in brain cause the development of schizophrenia and this is called Living with Schizophrenia. The structural abnormalities include enlargement of ventricles and reduction in grey matter. It will affect the nervous system.

2. Regulation in neurotransmitter

The neurotransmitter such as dopamine plays a key in Living with Schizophrenia. Abnormalities in dopamine, serotonin and glutamate affect the nervous system.

3. Trauma

Extreme conditions of stress and anxiety may lead to chronic schizophrenia and most common in those people who have genetic predisposition.

4. Birth Complexities

Serious conditions during birth of baby such as lack of oxygen may lead to schizophrenia.

5. Drug usage

In some patients, the excessive utilization of certain drugs may pose high risk of schizophrenia. These include hallucinogens, cannabis and amphetamines.

6. Pathological Behavior

The abnormalities in immune system such as inflammation during any age may lead to schizophrenia. The risk of disorder will increase due to this effect.

Stages of Living with Schizophrenia

Generally, it is not characterized in certain stages. However, according to medical health sciences, schizophrenia occurs in variety of stages and depends on the severity. Here are the stages of Schizophrenia:

1. Prodromal Phase

This is the initial stage of disorder and few symptoms will appear such as behavioral changes, mood swings, insomnia, reduction in social interactions and disruption in life activities.

2. Acute Phase

The second phase involves the appearance of positive symptoms including hallucinations, delusions and negative thoughts. In this phase, the patient will seek medical guidance to control illness.

3. Residual phase

In this phase, negative symptoms will begin to appear, however, the above phases are still in under observation. The patient will face challenges in fighting with negative symptoms.

4. Relapse

Relapse is the fourth stage and is more serious. The stress, depression and anxiety and other mental disorders increase.

5. Recovery

In this phase, the patient will control the schizophrenia with some medications. The appearance of symptoms still happens periodically. The person will come to the normal routine with proper treatment and therapies.

6. Chronic schizophrenia

In chronic schizophrenia, the patient will suffer adverse symptoms along with functional abnormalities. It becomes difficult to control this and need ongoing treatment and we can say that this patient is Living with Schizophrenia.

7. Remission

This phase will only adopt through complete treatment and guidance. The reduction in symptoms will happen and this is actually a goal of treatment.

Living with Schizophrenia

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