Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders(Explained)

In this traumatize world where everyone is struggling with mental health, many different types of anxiety disorders develop worldwide and affecting the whole community here we discuss about different Kinds of anxiety disorders. From mild anxiety to intense, these occur in diverse forms affecting emotions, thoughts and other daily activities.  This exploration will bring to the complex landscape of anxiety and its brief analysis. Each kind of anxiety disorder bring new challenges and struggles. By understanding the nature, we will know the kind of disease.

Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders

Understanding the Anxiety

Anxiety is a common and natural mental health disorder. It is not under human control or occur by choice. It plays a key role in stress development, aware us from potential risks and makes our body to be alert for outcomes. The anxiety disorders develop when the persistent and initial stages of anxiety left untreated. When the brain feels stress and anxiety, it triggers the psychological response for flight or fight mode. Additionally, the symptoms, risk factors, causes and effects vary among individual and kind of disorder.

Various kinds of anxiety disorders

Anxiety orders poses different conditions which are mainly expressive through tension, stress, fear and worry. The severe conditions will disrupt the life activities. Here are various kinds of anxiety disorders:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

It is an acronym of GAD and it is severe and extreme condition of worries of life activities such as employment, health, relationships or finance. The stress continues if there is no life activity or condition to be stressed. The main symptoms of GAD include restlessness, fatigue, muscle tiredness, difficult to focus and irritability.

2. Panic Disorder

In this state of anxiety, sudden or recurrent panic attacks will happen sometimes mild or often intensely. This is due to the extreme level of fear or discomfort. The indications of this disease are palpitations, lack of oxygen, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, shivering, sweetening or loss of consciousness. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

3. Social Anxiety Disorder

SAD is the abbreviation of this disorder which occurs due to the social pressure, the person become introvert and has fear of being judged or humiliated. In this condition, the patient become unable to attend social circle, become shy, suffer stress conditions and an introvert. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

4. Specific Phobia

In this condition, the person feels fear from a specific thing, activity or condition that actually do not produce any threat. Specific phobia will cause severe anxiety, behavioral changes and onset of physical conditions such as shivering or fear. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

5. Agoraphobia due to Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders

This disorder is related to the phobia in which person feels fear to go in public places or feel embarrass. He is not a social person and avoid going to public gatherings or crowded places.

6. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

In this anxiety condition, irrelevant, obsessive thoughts appear with weird actions and mental conditions that increases the anxiety level. In OCD, the patient will do excessive or repeatedly washing hands, checking or counting which represent strange behavior.

7. Hypochondriasis

In this condition, the patient become extremely worried on his little illness or assume that he has chronic disease without any medical guidance. The patient become more conscious about his health and medical appointments again and again. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

8. Selective Mutism

In this anxiety disorder, the person feels discomfort to speak in public or in other conditions. It belongs to the intense social anxiety disorder. Despite of speech, the person become unable to react in social conditions. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.


How to Analyze Anxiety Disorder

To analyze the anxiety disorder, some clinical assessments such as observation of symptoms, affects and duration will require. Some approaches to anxiety disorders are here:

1. Clinical Assessment

In clinical assessment, a brief study of indications will perform to study the nature of case. Symptoms are different in every individual, it may be physical such as shivering, fear, rapid heartbeat, cognitive symptoms including intense expressions and irrelevant thoughts and behavioral changes. The duration of symptoms will also analyze that how long it takes to reach this state. The complex relationships with other life activities will also observe. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

2. Diagnostic Criteria

To diagnose the nature of mental disorder or its severity, first of all seek the mental health professional guidance. Visit the psychologist, psychiatrist or clinical mental health professionals for brief description. These professionals will conduct a brief interview to collect most of the information about the patient and his disease. This will also assist in diagnosing the disorder.

3. Psychosocial factors

Analyze factors or triggers that cause the onset of disease. Sometimes the disorder may occur due to any life trauma or ongoing stressors. Socioenvironmental factors also play a key role for the development of anxiety disorders such as support system and life conditions. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

Treatment options for Anxiety disorders

Ailment for nay disease is mandatory for survival. Because in chronic stages the patient cannot able to live anymore and suffer with other intense diseases. According to the medical research, different therapies, treatments, medications and situations are available. Let’s take a review for the treatment:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Mindfulness based therapies
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Buspirone
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Herbal supplements
  • Regular exercise
  • Dietary control
  • Breathing exercise
  • Stress management
  • TMS therapy
  • Social and family support
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Sleep habits

All these sources will help you in rapid recovery from any kind of anxiety disorder. However, the medications will provide according to the severity. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders


1. Is anxiety disorder affect brain functioning?

Yes, it can most probably affect brain structure and function.

2. Can we treat anxiety disorder with medications?

Anxiety disorders are only treated with medications from certified professionals.

3. What are the common symptoms of anxiety disorder?

In anxiety disorders, most observed symptoms are shortness of breath, stress, fear, shivering, different phobias and behavioral changes.

4. How to manage panic attacks?

During panic attacks, keep stable at your place, focus on positivity, breath slowly and divert your mind.

5. What is the foremost treatment for anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy known as CBT is influential to treat anxiety.

6. Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover?

Yes! Patient of different kinds of anxiety disorders can recover through proper treatment.

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