Rheumatic Heart Disease (briefly explained)

Rheumatic Heart Disease


Rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease is an erythrogenic disease that protrudes out as a complexity in the treatment of streptococcal infection, especially those irritating the throat. This condition is intensely present in children and adults and this leads to effects on major part of body that is heart and joints, skin, brain. As the population increases, the rate of number of diseases and many people do not know about them. It is our basic responsibility to know the diseases and its factors to spread awareness. This disease is highly present in underdeveloped countries that are more exposed to antibiotics. It is the major concern for cardiovascular health in many parts of world.

The fundamental Culprits: Causes of Rheumatic fever

Knowing the basic causes of rheumatic fever is important to underline the effects and to provide emergency aid. The primary internal cause is the abnormal functioning of immune system in response of streptococcal bacteria. The result of false reaction is the swelling and inflammation of body organs. In order for prevention and intervention, let’s know the essentials;

1. Untreated Sore Throat

This is the most commonly observed cause for rheumatic fever in which strep throat treatment is insufficient. It is also due to the improper intake of antibiotics during this infection and the risk of fever increases.

2. Genetic disposition

Genetic factor is another influential aspect that poses the rheumatic fever. Some people have genetic cause that the immune system response more in terms of infection. The intense reaction poses rheumatic fever.

3. Immune system Response

The major factor to develop this fever is immune system. It is the central dogma of this disease. The immune system falsely attacks the parts of body mainly heart and causes inflammation.

4. Age and Geographical location

It is more common among children and in adults between the age of 5 and 15. This disease is more common in the regions where health facilities are not adequate and limited conditions of sanitation.

5. Delayed Treatment

Delay in medical assistance and improper take of antibiotics or incomplete course of antibiotics elevate the risk of rheumatic fever. Proper administration of antibiotics is necessary for all diseases.

Confronting the Danger: How Rheumatic Fever Can Affect Our Heart

Rheumatic fever poses a serious threat to cardiovascular health. The inflammation due to this fever increases the complexities of heart. To know the consequences on cardiac health due to rheumatic fever, read below;

1. Rheumatic Heart Disease

It is disease on which heart goes into the critical condition and occurs when rheumatic fever attacks the valves of heart. The inflammation dues to the fever attacks the valves tissues resulting in discoloration and damaging.

2. Valvulitis

When the swelling of heart valves occurs, this state is known as Valvulitis. It is a common effect of rheumatic fever. The inflammation causes the improper functioning of valves which results in the abnormal functioning of whole heart.

3. Mitral Valve Involvement

The mitral valve is highly affected by rheumatic fever. The function of this valve is to maintain blood flow between left atrium and ventricle. Improper functioning of this valve leads to mitral stenosis.

4. Aortic Valve Complexities

The role of this valve is to maintain blood flow from left ventricle to aorta. The affect on this valve cause the blood to move back to ventricle and this disease is called aortic regurgitation.

5. Heart Murmurs

Improper working of valves and damage tissues produces abnormal sound of heart pumping during cardiac regulation. This will increase the accessibility to discover valve functioning and heart issues.

6. Heart Failure

If rheumatic fever remains unchecked and not treated, the inflammation of valves and abnormal functioning increases. The heart becomes unable to pump blood and leads to heart failure.

7. Higher Risk of Heart Clots

The rheumatic fever also poses the blood clot formation in the arteries and potentially increases the abnormality of valves. The clots may lead to stroke and affect brain.

Preventive Measures for Rheumatic Fever and Heart

The preventive measure involves the early treatment of streptococcal infection so that it will not reach to heart. Some other measures involve which are as follows;

1. Proper Antibiotic Administration

If the infection is diagnosed timely, taking administrating the antibiotics and complete the course according to the dose. This will eliminate bacterial infection completely and stop the spreading of rheumatic fever to heart.

2. Antibiotic Prophylaxis

If a person suffers with Rheumatic heart fever, he will be prescribed for long term antibiotic prophylaxis. It will reduce the recurrent attacks of infection and risk of rheumatic heart fever.

3. Control Risk Factors

Control and manage the factors that causes heart diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, stress, high blood pressure and hyper-cholesterol.

4. Public Health Awareness

Scientific research and WHO should considerate the public awareness about unknown diseases and their risk factors. If we educate people, we will be successful mitigating the heart diseases.

5. Early treatment of Strep throat

Seek medical care if you find any symptoms for strep infection such as sore throat, fever, difficulty in breathing. Take the prescribed antibiotics to prevent from rheumatic heart fever.


Facing the rheumatic heart fever involves deep observing of symptoms, knowledge and medical assistance. Preventive initiatives belong to every individual action, health preservatives and mutual cooperation. By prompt treatment of streptococcal infection, the risk of rheumatic fever, heart issues and other body organs will be protected.


1. What are the signs of Rheumatic heart fever?

The most common symptoms of this diseases are fever, sore throat, swelling of joints and skin infection.

2. How can RHF be diagnosed?

It is diagnosed by medical history and through chest X-ray.

3. Is Rheumatic heart fever cured?

Yes, it can be cured through medications and antibiotics.

4. At which temperature this fever will happens?

This will happen when body temperature becomes 101degree fahrenheit.

5. Is rheumatic fever occurs in children?

Yes it is mostly present in children of age 5.

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