Alzheimer’s Disease Facts (briefly explained)

Alzheimer's Disease Facts

Alzheimer’s Disease Facts are developing and irreparable Facts neurological disorder that affects the brain and its main functions such as memory loss, thinking and activity behaviors. Alzheimer’s disease facts was named on the scientist who first discovered this, Dr Alois Alzheimer. It not only affects the brain but the whole life. The person suffering from Alzheimer is not only struggling with the life but also his family members and supporters. The rate of this disease is highly increase in overpopulated and developed or under-developed countries. There are many causes, effects and symptoms, we will discover them one by one and discuss in detail later.

Discover a Basic Overview

It is a neurological disease paired with the loss of function such as memory loss, irrelevant thinking and behavioral alterations. The most common cause of the Alzheimer’s Disease Facts is dementia. It can pose many challenges and complexities while research continues to unveil the critical situations. The risk factors vary according to the situations and age. However, this disease is not age specific.

Exploring the Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease Facts

As the research goes on, the perfect causes of Alzheimer still unknown. There are many causes and are combine with one another. Some of the key causes that researchers observe and highly present in patients are;

1. Genetic Factors

This disease occurs due to the genetic effects such as defective genes. The defective gene is apolipoprotein that elevates the risk of Alzheimer disease. The known risk factor of this cause is Ɛ4 allele. It is also possible in cousin marriages and family history. If this disease occurs in first relative, the potential risk of adopting Alzheimer increases.

2. Improper Protein Accumulation

The clots of protein will occur in the brain cells. This protein is beta-amyloid, which forms plaques in nerve cells. These accumulations are the major markers of Alzheimer disease. Another protein which is known as Tau protein also accumulates inside nerve cells and leads to the Alzheimer. It will rupture the normal cellular activities.

3. Neurotransmitter Variance

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter and its main function is to maintain memory and learning. The deficiency of this neurotransmitter will cause this disease and imbalance will leads to loss of functioning.

4. Inflammation and immune response

Chronic inflammation in the brain cell poses the development and elevation of Alzheimer disease. Improper immune responses and regulation of immune system are also the key causes of this disease.

5. Heart Health

The risk factors of heart health such as hypertension, diabetes and cholesterol are also increase the risk of Alzheimer. The other reason is the improper supply of blood to the brain cells that decline the functioning of brain cells.

6. Environmental Factors

If a person suffers with a head injuries or state of unconsciousness and exposure to the environmental toxins for long time may poses the risk of Alzheimer. Another important factor is the deficiency of awareness among people.

7. Age and gender

Age is the essential factor of Alzheimer, the persons with the age above 60 is more susceptible to this mental disorder. The risk rate is highly increase among women due to the longer expectancy.

8. Hormonal Factor

The female hormone estrogen causes this disorder due to the alterations in estrogen level. It is mostly associated in postmenopausal women.

Most Observing Symptoms

Striving with Alzheimer disease is so challenging and many people move towards suicide attempts. Identifying the symptoms during early stages is very necessary for the medical assistance. Here we review some basic and observing symptoms of mental disorder;

1. Memory loss

Suffering with this disease, patients will feel complexity to memorize the things and learn new information. Sometimes, they may pronounce same things repeatedly without unknowingly or ask questions in repetitions.

2. Intellectual decline

The person feels difficulty in resolving issues and sorting problems. They may also face losing memory about dates, time or location.

3. Communication Difficulties

Person suffering with Alzheimer’s disease facts may face difficulty in choosing or pronouncing the word. Sometimes proclaim unusual words in conversation or interaction.

4. Judgmental problems

Patients with this disease are poor in judgments in decision making. Due to this, they may face negative outcomes.

5. Personality Changes

Person feels mood swings as early symptoms. Personality also alters due to tension, anxiety, hypertension or agitation. He cannot involve in life activities to enjoy the moments and irritate soon with the conditions. He feels reduction in interests in life, unable to focus on work and become an introvert.

6. Sleep patterns

Variations in the sleep cycle happen due to this disease. Sometimes he feels so sleepy or occasionally feel restlessness. In some situations, hallucinations may happen.

Appealing the Medical Treatment

Alzheimer's Disease Facts

No proper cure is available for Alzheimer disease in medical history. However, some medications and treatments are available to mitigate the symptoms. Current appealing to Alzheimer disease treatment is described is;

1. Medications

Some medications are prescribed in order to inhibit the cholinesterase enzyme. These includes donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine. These drugs will enhance the level of acetylcholine and causes the proper functioning of nerve cells. Antidepressants are also available to manage the mood swings which are the initial symptoms of Alzheimer. Sleeping pills will maintain the sleep patterns. But we should keeping in mind about the medication of Alzheimer’s Disease Facts.

2. Physical Activities

Involving in physical activities and other social interactions will stimulate the brain cells to become active continuously and help to maintain normal functioning.

3. Reassuring therapies

These therapies play a supportive role in patient’s life and help him to fight with Alzheimer. He will become able to communicate with people and social. The patient feels comfortable in his routine activities and show positive impacts on mood and personality.

4. Clinical trials of Alzheimer’s Disease Facts

Clinical trials are still in under consideration for new and advanced medications and innovations. The main aim of research is to understand and treat Alzheimer.

Alzheimer's Disease Facts


In conclusion, Alzheimer’s Disease Facts are complex and challenging disorder for the suffer individual and his relatives. The field of Alzheimer is very diverse as research is going on. On going dedication helps to increase awareness, early diagnosis and effective treatments.

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