Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness

Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness

Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness. In the delicate ecosystem, water plays a driving force maintaining the equilibrium of life. It supports not only the environment but also all the organisms inhabiting it. The quality of water is not pure as it seems. Behind the clear and opaque water flow, there is a water pollution. It poses adverse effects silently on ecosystem and the biggest attention seeker all over the world. As the technology is continuously growing and industrialize, the quality of water becomes greatly worst. Here we will know the complex relation between water pollution and gastrointestinal illness, awareness and all the concerns related to this issue. This issue is a public health challenge.

Water Pollution intercalates to Gastrointestinal Diseases

Water is vital for existence of breath on earth. However, its delicate imbalance can affect the whole life on planet. Water pollution is a great threat for the environment and public health. Among the various water pollution borne diseases is the gastrointestinal illness. The link between polluted water and gastrointestinal diseases is so deep but a health challenge. Let’s delve into the relationship of these two subjects:

1. Contaminant interventions

Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. Water bodies such as river, lakes, streams or canal were pure earlier and now bearing a large number of contaminants from different resources. Some of the resources are natural while others are man-made. Man-made contamination is highly injurious to health and digestive tract. The discharge from industries, agricultural waste or runoff, inadequate water disposal and urbanization are the source of adulteration of water bodies. The contaminants also include heavy metals and pathogens increase the impurity of water and highly toxic for stomach causing gastrointestinal diseases.

2. Pathogens and waterborne diseases

One of the most posing outcome of water pollution is growth of pathogens. The pathogen may include bacteria, viruses or parasites and there is increasing in water. This leads to more health risks. Some of pathogens such as E.coli , norovirus and Giardia present in contaminated water, when ingested cause gastrointestinal diseases. Their growth will increase in stomach and cause more infections.

3. Acute and chronic health effects

Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness. Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. Predisposition to contaminated water will cause various gastrointestinal diseases. The acute affects on digestive system includes stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. These conditions will occur on short time exposure. Chronic conditions will occur on long time usage of contaminated water. Chronic effects include intestinal infections or bleeding, cholera, ulcers of stomach or esophagus.

4. Unfortified Population

Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. The vulnerable population of society such as children, elder or others with sensitive immune system cannot tolerate the impacts of water pollution. Their immune system is weak and gastrointestinal diseases have severe effect on overall health.

Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness

Common Waterborne Gastrointestinal diseases

Waterborne gastrointestinal diseases pose a great challenge for the government and public society. These diseases appear and borne due to various pathogens and toxins. Here we briefly explain the gastrointestinal illness:

1. Cholera

Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. This disease occurs due to the pathogen vibrio cholerae bacterium. Extreme diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration will occur due to sever usage of contaminated water. The cholera outbreak will cause widespread illness in country.

2. Gastroenteritis

The symptoms may relate to cholera such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal cramps. The pathogens are different like rotavirus, norovirus and enterotoxigenic E.coli. It may be acute or severe depends on the symptoms. However, severe dehydration will occur.

3. Dysentery

Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. This gastrointestinal disease will cause through Shigella bacteria. Abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and fever may happen as its symptoms. Dysentery may cause due to poor sanitation.

4. Cryptosporidiosis

Water pollution and gastrointestinal illness. Cryptosporidium parasite will cause this gastro disease. The transmission will occur through drinking of polluted water. Diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting may occur during this disease.

5. Hepatitis A

This will occur through hepatitis A. Hepatitis A will occur due to the ingestion of polluted water and food with the toxic matter. In this disease, diarrhea, bloody stools and jaundice appear as symptoms.

6. Cyclosporas

The pathogen of this gastrointestinal disease is Cyclospora catagenesis parasite. This disease is followed by watery diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea. Severe consumption of water contamination will cause Cyclosporas. Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness

The Connection between Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness

These two subjects have profound connection and concern for public health issues. Polluted water possesses various pathogens, parasites, toxins or metals pose serious health hazards. Here is an exploration of this link:

1. Parasites and protozoa

Water is a residence of parasites and protozoa. Drinking parasite containing water cause various parasitic diseases such as cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis with gastrointestinal symptoms.

2. Pathogens in contaminated water

The contaminated water contains various pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. These include norovirus, E.coli, Salmonella, rotavirus and hepatitis A.

3. Toxins and chemicals

Heavy metals are preset in water from the industrial discharge and other chemicals comes from agriculture runoff which enter through use of pesticides and insecticides. Severe exposure to toxic metals and chemicals leads to various harmful gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Waterborne outbreaks

In the areas where improper water treatment and sanitation occur, the risk of waterborne diseases is higher. In such situations, waterborne disease outbreaks is highly compelling pose the risk of gastrointestinal outbreaks.

Preventive measures mitigating the exposure of Water Pollution

Preventive measure should impose globally to reduce the water pollution which in turn minimize the risks of gastrointestinal illness. Some strategies to minimize water contamination are:

1. Access to clean water

Ensure that you have complete access to clean water for drinking and cooking purposes. Keep check the water communities for safe drinking.

2. Disposal of water

Dispose off the impure water comes from the industries, factories or agriculture after the water treatment. This will occur to reduce the impurities and harmful effects of this water.

3. Sanitation facilities

Proper sanitation facilities reduce the contamination and toxic metals in water. This step needs the construction of proper sewage system and water disposal systems.

Water Pollution and Gastrointestinal illness


By ensuring the preventative measures along with influential treatment strategies, the level of water pollution can control. This will cause impact on public health. Waterborne gastrointestinal diseases require the cleanliness of water and sanitation processes. These improvements enable access to safe water for safe life!

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